Todd Warshaw Creative
Todd Warshaw is a 25-year veteran of the photography industry, specializing in sports, automotive, corporate and underwater imagery. With infinite patience, Todd is committed to capturing subjects & events with deft precision. Whether wrestling with heavy equipment in rough seas, trudging waist-deep through snow banks or descending into the inky black ocean on a night dive to photograph a nocturnal creature, his resulting images display a beauty & complexity that leaves no trace of the effort involved.
Completing assignments in such varied conditions as the arctic waters of the Bering Sea and tropical Caribbean waters, Todd possess an ability to document sensitive habitats without interrupting nature's ebb & flow. "I consider it my challenge to add new depth and dimension to the natural world through photography - it keeps us learning and questioning, and that's a good thing,” he says.
Having started to learn the ropes in a black & white darkroom during a high school art class, Todd has maintained a habit of using cutting-edge technology as it becomes available, often pioneering unique ideas and methods to capture the perfect image.
366 Pixels is the culmination of a 2012 project, in which Todd took on the challenge of creating a photograph daily, for the entire 366 days of 2012, a selection is available for viewing here.
In 2004 Todd had the privilege to photograph the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay as it circled the globe, making stops in 27 countries, capturing some incredible people, moments & locations around the world.
For schedule availability & licensing opportunities, please contact Todd Warshaw Creative using the form below.
All images on this site are copyrighted, no use allowed without permission.